Find Ms Goal

Return to the candy shop

Use the anchovy machine

Take the anchovies on a stick from the machine

Shine the torch light on the puddle of phosphor

Walk left to the lobby

Shine the torch light on the part of phosphor trace

Shine the torch light on the part of phosphor trace below

Follow the trail to the tower

Shine the torch light on the phosphor trace

Open the piece of fence
(must have followed the phosphor trail to the fence)

Go behind the tower

Shine the torch light on the phosphor trace

Search through the stack of needles

Dip the anchovies on a stick into the phosphor trace

Use the hook to hold up the grating

Climb into the cable chute

Shine the torch light on the bait

Hang the glowing bait on the hook

Continue down the chute to the wrecked cable boat

Enter the wrecked cable boat

Get Past Argus

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